
Now I never thought of licking it……..

Now I never thought of licking it........ | computer-memes, engineer-memes, engineering-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, bot-memes, cs-memes |
computer-memes, engineer-memes, engineering-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, bot-memes, cs-memes |

[text] FLTEN PERA 2 Y Genetics Do not. Unless cheek swabs Archaeology Perhaps. But might be human bone. Geology Sometimes needed. Sometimes dangerous. Psychology Best not. Zoology In zoology science licks you. Anthropology Maybe ask first. Herpetology bad plan bad plan BAD PLAN Sociology Yes if you have time and dedication and a willingness to piss a lot of people off. Botany You might hallucinate or die. Or it might be delicious. Computer Engineering the tingle of electricity on your tongue is how you know its working Epidemiology FOR THE SAKE OF THE WORLD PLEASE DO NOT Linguistics Despite the name please probably dont. Engineering Maybe but itll probably taste like spreadsheets. e i made the ci SO you t as we Ei