Tutorial hell Memes

Posts tagged with Tutorial hell

Is It Supposed To Be L Ike This

Is It Supposed To Be L Ike This
Ah yes, the classic JavaScript journey transformation. You start those "30 Days of JavaScript" tutorials looking all innocent and hopeful, thinking you'll master the language in a month. Fast forward to day 30 and you're a deranged code demon with eye twitches and murderous thoughts every time you hear "undefined is not a function." The psychological damage of discovering that semicolons are sometimes optional but also sometimes catastrophic will do that to a person. JavaScript doesn't teach you coding—it teaches you creative profanity.

It Just Keeps Happening

It Just Keeps Happening
THE BETRAYAL! 😤 You watch that tutorial with its FLAWLESSLY working code, thinking you're about to become the next tech billionaire. Then you copy the EXACT SAME CODE into your IDE and suddenly your computer acts like you've just insulted its entire ancestry! Error messages EVERYWHERE! Red squiggly lines MOCKING your existence! Your code has chosen violence today and decided that physics, logic, and the fundamental laws of programming simply don't apply in YOUR environment. The audacity of that code to work perfectly in a tutorial but throw a tantrum in your IDE is the greatest treachery known to developerkind!

Am I The Only One

Am I The Only One
The modern developer's balancing act, visualized with stunning accuracy. That precarious tower of cans represents what's actually holding up your code—a foundation of ChatGPT at the bottom (let's be honest, it's writing half your functions), Google searches above it (for the errors ChatGPT creates), followed by pure dumb luck, ancient GitHub repositories you found at 3 AM, and tutorial videos from that one Indian guy who explains algorithms better than your $200K computer science degree. And finally, at the very top, desperately balancing on this tower of digital desperation? Your actual code—looking just as confused as that dog wondering how it got up there and how long before the whole thing collapses during the next sprint review.