ibm Memes

Start Them Young

Start Them Young
Nothing says "responsible parenting" quite like abandoning your child with a mainframe computer from the 1970s and a COBOL manual! This is basically the programming equivalent of leaving your kid with dinosaurs as babysitters. That poor child is about to learn that semicolons aren't just for English class and that punch cards were the original "swipe right." The ultimate character-building exercise: debug COBOL or no dinner tonight! Honestly, this might explain why so many banking systems still run on ancient code - those traumatized children grew up and refused to ever touch the code again.

Lol What Is Ibm

lolWhatIsIbm | ibm-memes |

Military-grade encryption

Military-grade encryption | ibm-memes, encryption-memes |
Content QzW Mo:92;a 89X06.BB( Lbh'er trggvat NRF juvyr V bayl trg EBG13? Uk9UMTMEknbSBnZXROa W5nIG he2U2NCBIbmNVZG VkIQo You guys are getting encryption?

Wish I had a scrum master like that

Wish I had a scrum master like that | programming-memes, programmer-memes, coding-memes, developer-memes, html-memes, css-memes, software-memes, code-memes, computer-memes, tech-memes, java-memes, python-memes, computer science-memes, development-memes, software developer-memes, design-memes, hacker-memes, program-memes, c++-memes, machine-memes, version-memes, version control-memes, security-memes, windows-memes, api-memes, rest-memes, date-memes, perl-memes, email-memes, network-memes, IT-memes, rds-memes, ibm-memes, mac-memes, bot-memes, ML-memes, documentation-memes, laptop-memes, open source-memes, language-memes, cs-memes, comment-memes, manager-memes, interview-memes |
Content A new software developer spent 4 days to make a simple HTML button and CSS, should I fire him? Os Answer Follow 169 Request 100 Answers Dominic connor. Heachunter in rinancia Markets U04-present Updated Nov 6 Upvoted by Alan Mellor, Started programming 8 bit computers in 1981 and Prashanth Pinto. M. sc computer science. Technical University of Munich (2019 B. No, you should resign instead. Let us talk like programmers. At most development shops I would fire someone who got that much done so quickly. Firstly, you hired him, it he is indeed that incompetent, then vou as a manager are incompetent at hiring people a critical part of your job. Also, as a headhunter I feel I need to explain the core competences of a sottware development manager. You are supposed to be getting people to do things, vou have tailed. You are also supposed to develop them as protessionals, so they are more valuable to the firm in the long term, not whining and firing them. Goodbye. Second, why was a newbie programmer left for four days when he had just joined the firm? It you were a first line development manager working for me I would be giving you clear, trank explicit and deeply unpleasant career counseling I've used a whole bunch of libraries for Python, C, the Javas even VB, but have used them all? No I have not. Some are well documented, some especially internal libraries are documented to corporate standards, lots of words, but a lot less useful. we hoth know how much documentation tells us that integer offSet; Is an integer that specities an ottset. And yes the s gets capitalised, because coding standard. That's veryHelpful. Others libs are just hard because they do hard stuff. Sometimes just to get to the point where I can get something trivial to happen can take days. Did you even give him a PC to work on? Oh dear, you've seen the label on this post that I'm a headhunter, yeah that's true, but I've also written more code than you for a whole bunch of tech firms, banks and the occasional major government. The average time to get me a development machine that worked properly, plus an ID to the network, sw dev tools installed and even a bloody chair is about a week. At IBM Labs it took over three weeks and that was on an urgent project. At one bank I gave up and simply used my own rather over-powered laptor Among the crap I've waded through at the start of a job includes a Windows security policy that meant I could not write to any .EXE files, ie could not actually compile anything. Only being allowed to use a system that I had both designed and coded a large part of when being watched by a minimum wage government security contractor (who by the end of it knew a lot more about C). Not being allowed to read manuals at the UK's largest telco because as my boss put it "we're paying a lot for you and we're not paying you to read"; I was flattered that they expected me to know everything, especially given that at interview I made it clear that I'd never used the specitic Lisp dialect they so loved. As an expert witness often am not allowed to read the full code of the system I'm supposed to by analysing and have to request parts of it are printed out as I need them. Yes, on paper like it's 1999. Not being allowed to use a current or even recent version of the language because although it is open source, the outsourced support firm needs weeks and serious monev to veriv vthon as sate to use. Being given a German keyboard which did not support the 00 and other characters used in programming C. On more than one project it has required active effort for me to extract from my boss what exactly they are paying me to do. I reckon more than a whole month of my life has been lost to "orientation briefings" telling me that I should do a good job and be nice to people, often being asked to sIgn vet another plece of paper to that effect and since I've done work for two SwISS banks, I've had to be briefed (and signed N bits of paper) that I must not conspire to destroy documents about the way they stole gold from German Jews in WW2. HP wanted me to promise never to work for any computer company ever again discussing that took up some. Oh yes and HR. Go look at my name at the top. I have a really boring name, that anyone from Europe or the Americas will not see as confusing. You're not in HR are you ? I've had to waste time when starting getting my name spelled right, my job title, and more than one has been confused about my pay. IBM HR never did grasp that I am a man, and later harassed my boss fearing in their own minds that I would claim maternity benefits demanding my termination in writing. Yes. IBM HR were not not just sexist, but incompetently sexist and yes, I have a copy of some of the emails and as it happens I'm married to a really scary lawyer who by chance I started dating whilst at IBM where she being whiter than most white people was a well paid intern. If you were a real developer you'd know that version control systems are as user friendly as a cornered rat it they ve been in use and enhanced by your company for a while. Has anvone taken him through the maze of twisty passages all alike between the repository and actually getting code you can work on? So we get to why I'd fire a developer who got something working in only 4 days. He's a hacker pretending to be a developer. Only an elite cyber warrior who has spent weeks spying on your systems can just walk in and get something, anything that actually works, on a computer he can actually use. There's an RTC AI Dinner Tuesday the 19th, you might find it interesting. Dinners Real Time Club 3 57.2K views VIew Upvoters View Sharers 4 Upvote 730 A Share 8 52 comments from Al Klein, Richard Nazar, Mark Charley and more

Why Ask Your Experienced Devs When You Can Call Ibm

whyAskYourExperiencedDevsWhenYouCanCallIBM | loc-memes, lock-memes, devs-memes, blockchain-memes, ibm-memes |

Is this a text editor or a IDE?

Is this a text editor or a IDE? | program-memes, function-memes, ibm-memes, ide-memes |
Content Program control lever Program unit and column indicator Card hopper Main-line switch Card stacker Printing mechanism Punching station Functional control switches Reading station Backspace key Keyboard FIGURE 4.11 IBM 026 Kerpunch (Courtesy IBM).

Microsoft vs Apple user back in the 2000

Microsoft vs Apple user back in the 2000 | developer-memes, computing-memes, try-memes, apple-memes, windows-memes, network-memes, microsoft-memes, IT-memes, ibm-memes, mac-memes, laptop-memes, cs-memes, cse-memes |
Content Close-cropped hair, just like Dad's when he worked at Big Blue. Power tie: all the color he requires. Computing is serious business. Keep a straight face. BACKPACK: PowerBook Duo 230; accessories Metricom Ricochet wireless modem - lomega Zip drive; five full cartridges Extended key. board and mouse - Nokia 100 cell phone Newton MessagePad A few scratched up floppy disks MacAddict - One 8-pin serial cable Piles of notes, papers and transit schedules. The casual "Seinfeld-cut' is in. Of course, Jerry would never use a PC. The earring isn't mak- ing the statement it once was, but it still helps to draw the line. BRIEF CASE: Portg Toshiba laptop - Microsoft Office installation disk- PC Magazine - Byte One Xircom Credit Card Ethernet modem - One 10-base T-cable An HF 32S calculator A Lotus penknife Needlenose pliers A multi-tip screwdrivei IBM Networking Center pen kept in custom-crafted pocket protector. You never know when you're going to need a PhoneNet connector. Mandatory wacky watch just looks cool. Imitation Rolex. The denim shirt is standard issue. Get Brooks Brothers. What else? FootLocker. What else? THE WINDOWS USER HOBBIES: No time for hobbies, still trying to install system. SECRET SHAME: Has a Mac at home for "the kids". Really, really liked Microsoft Bob. BELIEF: Thinks Bill Gates is God. THE MAC ADDICT HOBBIES: No time for hobbies, too busy spam- ming Windows-only developers. SECRET SHAME: Still uses WriteNow for word processing. BELIEF: Thinks Bill Gates thinks he's God.

Casually browsing AskReddit just to learn the news that we're all working for clowns. I'm shattered :(

Casually browsing AskReddit just to learn the news that we're all working for clowns. I'm shattered :( | software-memes, tech-memes, technology-memes, stack-memes, loc-memes, lock-memes, hardware-memes, ios-memes, docker-memes, jenkins-memes, fix-memes, monitor-memes, reddit-memes, IT-memes, ibm-memes, ide-memes, open source-memes, devops-memes, prometheus-memes, grafana-memes, comment-memes |
Content 8 points 11 hours ago but if you have a bank or similiar and need 99.99 uptime no matter what happend, then an IBM mainframe is a very good choise. And IBm have a massive support organisation if you pay for it, they fix anything anytime of the day. permalink source embed save save-RES parent report give award reply hide child comments -2 points 11 hours ago (last edited 11 hours ago) You could also just hire a regular devops team with college-taught skills and have them build your redundancy on readily and widely available hardware backed by open source technology, which won't get you vendor-locked like the poor souls in the banking world You should avoid it choosing proprietary IBM technology at all cost. It's almost always a very bad choice. The only good reason for doing so is if you're already prisoner from having chosen IBM proprietary technology in the past and your team existing structure is already constructed around it. permalink source embed save save-RES parent report give award reply hide child comments 12 points 10 hours ago I'll take "who's never worked in a company with more than 6 people" for 100 permalink source embed save save-RES parent report give award reply hide child comments -3 points 1Pours ago My ass Every company under the sun is doing running and then monitoring their systems using an open source stack. Docker. Ansible. Jenkins. Nagios. Monit. Prometheus. K8. Grafana. Or a system backed by it. You've either only worked in very niche bubbles of the tech world or you don't know what you're talking about nermalnk source emhed save cave-RE narent renort give award renly hide child comments 13 points 8 hours ago Clearly you're not working in any serious company if they're relying on open source software. Dermalink source embed save save-RES parent report give award reply hide child comments

I’m enjoying learning COBOL in 2022

I’m enjoying learning COBOL in 2022 | programming-memes, program-memes, ibm-memes |
Content ONUELSYW COBOL PROGRAMMING 75 COBOL Dummies Teach COBOL SKET BOOK regram 19. DATA Dirision. PROCEDURE DIVISION. Standard COBOL 1 Feint Margin VTER BOOK Quire - 288 PAGES Crosley LEARNING COBOL! IBM has my family they're holding me hostage. Send help

Aged like milk

Aged like milk | program-memes, function-memes, ibm-memes, operating system-memes |
Content From an article on a new operating system for the IBM PC: Real concurrency - in which one program actually continues to function while you call up and use another - is more amazing but of small use to the average person. How many programs do you have that take more than a few seconds to perform any task? - New York Times, 25 April 1989

This is the only way to keep data secure

This is the only way to keep data secure | loc-memes, lock-memes, data-memes, password-memes, email-memes, ibm-memes |
Content Max Leibman If you access corporate email on a personal device that can be unlocked with FacelD, you must change your face at least once every sixty days. You may not reuse any of the most recent 12 faces. infosec PasswordExpiration BYOD 7 Mar 2023 05:55 Edited 7 Mar 2023 06:01 48 Boosts 1 Favourite ProarammerHumor io

Talk about RISC-Y business

Talk about RISC-Y business | software-memes, computer-memes, development-memes, engineer-memes, hardware-memes, crypto-memes, IT-memes, ibm-memes, cryptography-memes, graph-memes |
Content STOP USING RISC CPU'S ARE SUPPOSED TO DO MORE, MORE EFFICIENTLY BILLIONS in development yet NO REAL-WORLD USE for replacing INSTRUCTIONS with MORE REGISTERS Wanted to put a value somewhere on the processor anyway for a laugh? We had a tool for that: It was called "EDX" OR "MEMORY" "Yes, please give me ZERO tools for cryptography. Please replace HARDWARE OPTIMIZATION with my own poorly written SOFTWARE" - Statements dreamed up by the utterly Deranged LOOK at what ElectricalComputer Engineers have been demanding your Respect for all this time, with all the HDL's and chip fabs we built for them (THIS IS REAL RISC ARCHITECTURE, DONE BY REAL ENGINEERS) ARM7TDMI Core Diagram IBM PowerPC 601 IBM 1992 A raw in uh orocessors given the name "hracles was announceo n may 2021 wo sanchoreo abolications can exchange dale without the systems Pacman edit i PPC601FD-080-2 .19425030KS ????? ??????? ??????????????? "Hello I would like to add two numbers together, let me just LDR LDR LDR ADD ADD STR" THEY HAVE PLAYED US FOR ABSOLUTE FOOLS ProarammerHumo