fibonacci Memes

The Dual Nature Of Computing

The Dual Nature Of Computing
The duality of computing in one perfect meme! On the left, we've got Buff Doge calculating the millionth Fibonacci number faster than you can finish reading about it—pure computational flex. Meanwhile, Crying Doge on the right is having an existential crisis trying to run a decades-old game that probably required less processing power than your smart fridge. Nothing captures the absurdity of modern computing better than having machines that can simulate nuclear explosions but choke on legacy code written when dial-up was considered high-tech. The true paradox of our industry: simultaneously too powerful and not compatible enough.

Fast Computer? More Like Fast Exit

Fast Computer? More Like Fast Exit
Ah, the classic Fibonacci trap! What the engineer doesn't realize is that calculating the 80th Fibonacci number is actually a computational nightmare with naive recursion. The time complexity is O(2^n) - meaning your algorithm basically doubles its work with each step. While the dad thinks he's asking a simple question, he's actually posing a problem that would make even a decent computer cry. Without memoization or dynamic programming, that poor engineer's PC would probably burst into flames before reaching F(80)! And that, kids, is why you always optimize your algorithms before meeting your girlfriend's father.

The Cursed Js Box Model

theCursedJsBoxModel | function-memes, console-memes, fibonacci-memes |
Content Fibonacci sequence with memoization ; function fib (n, memo) if (n in memo) return memo n if (n 2) return 1 memo n fib(n - 1, memo) fib (n - 2, memo) return memo n ? ? console. log(fib (50))

Fibonacci Tweet

Fibonacci Tweet | IT-memes, rds-memes, space-memes, fibonacci-memes |
Content Brian Bilston brianbilston 11h wrote a poem in a tweet but then each line grew to the word sum of the previous two until I began to worry about all these words coming with such frequency because as you can see, it can be easy to run out of space when a poem gets all Fibonacci sequency

Think Smarter Not Harder

thinkSmarterNotHarder | function-memes, fibonacci-memes, interview-memes |
Content Interviewer: "Write a function to get the nth Fibonacci number" My solution: const fib n Math. floor(1Math.sqrt (5) (Math. pow((1 Math. sqrt (5)) 2, -Math.pow ( (1 - Math. sqrt (5)) 2, n) )) The interviewer:

Super Computer Vs Recursive Fibonacci

SuperComputerVsRecursiveFibonacci | computer-memes, recursive-memes, fibonacci-memes |
Content FINALIA SUPER COMPUTER THAT CAN HANDLE EXOFLOOPS LETS SEE IF IT CAN CALCULATE THE 10000TH FIBBONACCI NUMBER int fibbonacci(int n) if(n 0)4 return 0; else if(n 1) return 1; else return (fibbonacc1 (n-1) fibbonacci (n-2)) ;

No comment

No comment | coding-memes, html-memes, css-memes, javascript-memes, code-memes, php-memes, java-memes, python-memes, ux-memes, management-memes, server-memes, fortran-memes, assembly-memes, c++-memes, mysql-memes, react-memes, machine-memes, haskell-memes, command-memes, data-memes, apple-memes, sql-memes, json-memes, .net-memes, objective c-memes, ruby-memes, vba-memes, typescript-memes, postgresql-memes, bash-memes, eclipse-memes, image-memes, scala-memes, docker-memes, powershell-memes, matlab-memes, api-memes, shell-memes, express-memes, class-memes, perl-memes, object-memes, kotlin-memes, dart-memes, delphi-memes, c-memes, cli-memes, postgres-memes, c#-memes, query-memes, ecli-memes, atom-memes, ide-memes, mac-memes, ML-memes, div-memes, language-memes, vm-memes, cs-memes, space-memes, fibonacci-memes, comment-memes, framework-memes, rust-memes, graph-memes, graphql-memes |
Content Languages with comments Java JavaScriot C Python HTML SOL PHP C Ruby R PerlGo C MATLAB Scala MvSOL Swift Haskel Lua Rust Fortran CSS COBOL Scheme SAS Objective-C Clojure PostgreSQL TypeScript Erlang Prolog ARM Visual basic Kotin elxir Julia Pascal Ada Powershellicrocam Groovy smaltak Dart bash coteescriot ra Common Lisp BASIC Racket Nim Crystal APL Forth Maple awk Chapel Delphi Elm Solidity PostScript Verilog Haxe Eifte GNU Octave Reason LLVM IR YAML Tex Emacs Liso LaTeX fish SPSS VHDL PureScriot Bexx MUMPS VISUA BAsiC NET Modula-2 REBOL Grapho Dylan Red Yacc Idris VBScriot ANTIER oGo PUSQL Simula BCPL Applescript Oz Sage HAML HY OpenGL Wren XQuery B0o Modula-3 Io ID Hack Ballerina Vala AMPL PerI o Fike Icon Autolt Bison Stata SNOBOL IOML eve RUSt MIR VBA MoonScript raicon Agda Kolo Protoco Buffers CIL V Sauirre Befunge Fantom Factor PEG.js FLUX Ceylon SuperCollider Processing Nemerle JSON5 Makefile HCL Scilab Base Wolfram Language NewLisp API Blueprint Dafny Clean LFE ColdFusion Mercury Lasso SETL E Java Bytecode Terra PureBasic Maxima Modelica K Guile Zephir M4 Flow Datalog Ini Clipper KaleX AutoHotkey Turing DhallJC Smali NEtLOgO LIVeCOde YAShIppE HOPE unison DOT Csound LPC PRQL GW-BASIC Alo Dainer AGG WUL CON stemverlog transact-SQL FIg Latin Hison Deno Monkey halide LiveScriot CLIPS Nearley Lily FreeBASIC LilvPond Do carp NSIS BETA AspectJ LotusScript ; OpenSCAD Unicon TLA QML mamt JADE Mu JAI Euphoria Expect PowerBuilder datascriot Allov SIL Fancy EULiSO NCAR Fibonacci Click Ch Ring Command Lanquage Lanquage NetRexx P4 Lingo Refa PAWN Cue sugarss rilebench Assembler Ragel ASLI Ben Pv Felix Anex Gentoo BASIC QB64 Aldor Angelscript Netwide Encoding Augmented Backus-Naur Form CLOS S-algol Pan Loatalk Parser 3 ECI S-PLUS NekO CIR DM Ron odin Whiley popr MAXScript JSON with Comments MOC Game Maker Lanquage Soin KRL Cell Action! rutureBASIC Fennel BLISS storvscrit pal PIO HIveQL Ezhil raise Kiktart Mouse Mask sorv Fraatscnot dex ripting Language Objective C monte ArkScript S3 Jasmin Sice SRecode Template TvDe Lanquage c simcode sonnei SNOBOL4 Tuple space VHDL-AMS lon manool z80 Judoscript ISETL Xbasic Recfiles FML Z ThinBasic MVEL Turbo Basic LoomScript Alpine Abuild CartoCSS GCC Machine Description POV-Ray SDL Brightscript ShaderLab gentee taf PROMAL BuddyScript carth Sweet Expressions txr BABEL Literate Agda Reactive Plan Language NS Basic XBLite WBasic Base Idpl Fjolnir Yet Another Scripting Language Lite-C kai Operational Control Language XPLO KonsolScript Quaint Language Server Index Format Raku hilvl beads-lang divm Vale Maya Embedded Language Not eXactly C dedukti Nymph Wart tht silk Yoix OEM neeilang winxed Project Mentat owen-lang omega rosette-lang cache Basic graphQL schema Definition Language power-query-m rbs Soy xx! CFScript StarOffice Basic ActiveVFP OptimJ Pruts Treelang Guix Workflow Language Plot stella holyc Portable Bit Map Format Netpbm grayscale image format ppm- format roscript Stru Subx turnstile Yedalog Creative Basic Parro BASIC Action Code ScriDt MACRO-10 atomese bel Bla epsilon fizz lain Logica luau Ren verifoal ctalk- ang asix Finite State Lanquage Manchestei syntax taichi tremor-query Fable Claro biz flagship Rescript wescheme ddfql sora zephyr-asdl Languages without comments JSON

Cin>>A[10] ;

Cin>>A[10] ; | fibonacci-memes |
Content Today's Special Fibonacci's Soup Ingredients: Yesterday's Soup The Day Before Yesterday's Soup

Anybody knows how to code a Fibonacci Heap?

Anybody knows how to code a Fibonacci Heap? | code-memes, algorithm-memes, function-memes, performance-memes, algorithms-memes, fibonacci-memes |
Content The code The performance performance when when you you use library implement all the functions algorithms yourself

I have found the answer to end the debate.

I have found the answer to end the debate. | IT-memes, space-memes, fibonacci-memes |
Content tabs if (onefish) if (twoFish) if (redFish) it blueFish) if (thisThing) if (thatThing) (otherThing) 4 spaces if (oneFish) if tooFish) if (redFish) if (blueFish) (thisThing) if (thatThing) (otherThing) 2 spaces if (oneFish) . if (redFish) DEn PRent (thatThing) corner nano Fibonacci if (oneFish) if (twoFish) if (redFish) (blueFish) if (thisthing)

Cin>>A[10] ;

Cin>>A[10] ; | fibonacci-memes |
Content Today's Special Fibonacci's Soup Ingredients: Yesterday's Soup The Day Before Yesterday's Soup

Even cats can code

Even cats can code | code-memes, data-memes, error-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, div-memes, cs-memes, fibonacci-memes, exception-memes, public-memes |
Content Code Written By A CS 101 Student public int Cibonacci (inc x) 15 (X ) raturn : else 11 x recurn cibonacca(x - Libonacc1 (x - ); Code Written At A Hackathon public int getFibonaco!Number (int n) ( switch (n) return re usa : raturn s: return good enouan for che demo, 101 FASTER Code Written At A Startup oDo add vavadoo decF1bonacciNumber roDo Shound we move chis co a difrerent sile? cubase int cetribonaccadumberaintn) IODO Stack rav overflow vich recursive implementation, suicch 726e20530t appronca as.a019 -p93057 TODO Th13 Should probably chrow an excencion. Or maybe juscorint e 00 messagez roDO Generalare che niel conditions? recarn else 11 retarn 17 TODO Spend some time with my family and kids, I've been at work for over se noura acrazanc. recarn cetrabonacciNumber n gettibonnaciNumbern Code Written At A Large Company ger bonaco Number e a machod chat given sone fndex o recurns che ne sparam a The andex of che riponaco number You wisn to retraeve. sreturn The nch Fibonacci number. Fibonacc-DacoView3u lder bufider - FibonaccaDataViewBuilderFactory.createF1bonacciDataViewBuilder new EibOnacciDataviewbuilderParamsn. null, nall.o, null): 1 (bulader a Fibonaccabatavievsullderconstants.ERROR STATE) throw new FibonaccDacavAewBuliderFaccorvExceotton(: 11 (dacaview FiDOnacc1DAtaVieWCOnSCanca ERROR STATE) throw new FibonacciDacaviewGenerationexception: nasar nasano Code Written By A Math Ph.D. pabl1o inC gecE1oonacciNumber (anc m) retarn int dividesuberactexponentiacephi no exponentiate (p31 ( , n)), subtract (phi (), p91 ())) : publio double exponenciace double a douole o) 1f (equal (o zero ))). return one (): . exponencaace la. suburace (o, one recara aavade cadd come sceccado come one. oneo oneo, onesp return subtract (one (), phi ()); Code Written By Your Cat public static Final 10C UNITE : pablo scaric na inc 0020 2: public int meow (int KITIENSOFTHE WORLD) ( MEON 11 (KITTENS OF THE WORLD UNITED) return KITTENS. OFTHEWORLD: else( return meow (RITTENS OF THE WORLD UNITE neow (RITIENSOFTHE WORLD - UNITED) : VIA