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Microsoft vs Apple user back in the 2000

Microsoft vs Apple user back in the 2000 | developer-memes, computing-memes, try-memes, apple-memes, windows-memes, network-memes, microsoft-memes, IT-memes, ibm-memes, mac-memes, laptop-memes, cs-memes, cse-memes |
developer-memes, computing-memes, try-memes, apple-memes, windows-memes, network-memes, microsoft-memes, IT-memes, ibm-memes, mac-memes, laptop-memes, cs-memes, cse-memes |

[text] BACKPACK PowerBook Duo 230 Closecropped hair just acsessories Melricom Ricochet like Dads when he wireless modem lomega Zip drive The casual worked at Big Blue. five tull cartridges Extended key Seinfeldcut Is o board and mouse Nola 100 cell In Ot courss phone Newton MessagePad A Jeiry wouldnarer fow scratched up floppy ueats Computing is serious disks MacAddict One 8pin G Pouier tie all the business. Keep a serial cable Piles of notes color he requires. straight face. papers and transit schedules. The earring isnt mak ing the statement it once was but it stll IBM Networking helps to draw the line. Center pen kept in customcrafted pocket protector. BRIEF CASE Portg Toshiba laptop Microsolft Office installation diskPC Magazine ByteOne Xircom Credit Card Elhernet modem One 10base Tcable An Hi 325 calculalorA Lotus penknife Needienose pliers A You never know multitip screwdriver. when youre going to need a PhoneNet connector. Mandatory wacky wateh just looks cool. The denim shirt is standard issue. Get i one. Imitation Rolex. Brooks Brothers. What else THE WINDOWS USER HOBBIES No time for hobbies still trying to install system. SECRET SHAME Has a Mac at home for the kids Really really liked Microsoft Bob BELIEF Thinks Bill Gates s God. THE MAC ADDICT HOBBIES No time for hobbies too busy spam ming Windowsonly developers. SECRET SHAME Still uses WriteNow for word processing. BELIEF Thinks Bill Gates thinks hes Go