Close-cropped hair, just like Dad's when he worked at Big Blue. Power tie: all the color he requires. Computing is serious business. Keep a straight face. BACKPACK: PowerBook Duo 230; accessories Metricom Ricochet wireless modem - lomega Zip drive; five full cartridges Extended key. board and mouse - Nokia 100 cell phone Newton MessagePad A few scratched up floppy disks MacAddict - One 8-pin serial cable Piles of notes, papers and transit schedules. The casual "Seinfeld-cut' is in. Of course, Jerry would never use a PC. The earring isn't mak- ing the statement it once was, but it still helps to draw the line. BRIEF CASE: Portg Toshiba laptop - Microsoft Office installation disk- PC Magazine - Byte One Xircom Credit Card Ethernet modem - One 10-base T-cable An HF 32S calculator A Lotus penknife Needlenose pliers A multi-tip screwdrivei IBM Networking Center pen kept in custom-crafted pocket protector. You never know when you're going to need a PhoneNet connector. Mandatory wacky watch just looks cool. Imitation Rolex. The denim shirt is standard issue. Get Brooks Brothers. What else? FootLocker. What else? THE WINDOWS USER HOBBIES: No time for hobbies, still trying to install system. SECRET SHAME: Has a Mac at home for "the kids". Really, really liked Microsoft Bob. BELIEF: Thinks Bill Gates is God. THE MAC ADDICT HOBBIES: No time for hobbies, too busy spam- ming Windows-only developers. SECRET SHAME: Still uses WriteNow for word processing. BELIEF: Thinks Bill Gates thinks he's God.