Laptop Obituary

Laptop Obituary | computer-memes, tech-memes, random-memes, git-memes, data-memes, error-memes, bot-memes, laptop-memes, rust-memes |
computer-memes, tech-memes, random-memes, git-memes, data-memes, error-memes, bot-memes, laptop-memes, rust-memes |


2 biggest-gaudiest-patronuses Follow that time in high school when my computer died and i was so deeply distraught i legit wrote an entire obituary for a laptop mperialscribe Where is the obit Gaud, come on don't hold out on us biggest-gaudiest-patronuses Follow i had to dig so deep through old backup files to find this, enjoy! RIP (In loving, random access memory) After a long illness, my beloved laptop, 3, while surrounded by family and tech support, succumbed in the night to an internal error. My laptop leaves behind one bereaved admin (me), an estranged guest user, an elderly warranty and a large extended family of synced mobile devices and browser bookmarks. Friends, we are gathered in this subdomain today to honor the memory, both RAM and hard drive, volatile and non-volatile, and mourn the data loss of a beloved digital companion. Caches to caches, rust to rust. Though its hard drive may be wiped, its chassis refurbished, and its processor sold for scrap, its torrent downloads and browser history will live on in our hearts, and eventually come back to haunt me.

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