html listen at head head meta name-"viewport" content"widthdevice-width" 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 body h1 idtitleDo you want to go to prom me?h1 button onclick"alert( Cool!')"Yesbutton button id"a" onmouseover"move();" style"position: fixed;"Nobutton script count 0; function move() document.getElementById("a") .style.right String (Math. random() 100) ""; document. getElementById("a") String (Math. random() 100) ""; document.getElementById("title").style.color "rgb(" String (Math. random () 255) ", " String(Math.random () 255) "," String (Math. random () 255) ")"; count count 1; if (count 5) alert ("OK" ) 7 script body html