Google, I know you're trying to help and save space... but sometimes whitespace is important.

Google, I know you're trying to help and save space... but sometimes whitespace is important. | linux-memes, ux-memes, google-memes, try-memes, image-memes, http-memes, ide-memes, space-memes, kernel-memes |
linux-memes, ux-memes, google-memes, try-memes, image-memes, http-memes, ide-memes, space-memes, kernel-memes |


Google indent style AIl Videos Images Shopping About 70,500 results (0.75 seconds) Brace placement Brace placement while (x y) something(); somethingelse(); while (x y) something(); somethingelse(); while (x y) something(); somethingelse(); while (x y) something(); somethingelse(); 4 more rows Indent style - Wikipedia https:en.wikipedia.orgwikiIndentstyle News More Settings Tools Styles KR and variants: 1TBS, Stroustrup, Linux kernel, BSD KNF Allman GNU Whitesmiths About this result Feedback