Don't make fun plz this took 5mins

Don't make fun plz this took 5mins | assembly-memes, cli-memes, IT-memes, language-memes |
assembly-memes, cli-memes, IT-memes, language-memes |


You know what? Imma finallv do it! Imma learn assembly! hello-DOSasm - single-segment, 16-bit "hello world program assemble org ex100 int 21h is mov dx, msg mov ah, 9 int 0x21 o hello-DOS.asm jays start 256 bytes into the segment of or message in dx int string" sub-function int 0x21 msg db, Oxer assemoly merlo word Q Q All Images Videos About 6300.000 results (0.49 seconds) know it's low-level, but how bad can it be? click "Hello, World" in 86 Assembly Language "Hello, World" in X86 Assembly Language A mi tal-size version - Individual-character output along with strng output DOS2 lengin-delimited output a Linux- People also ask ! How do you say hello world in assembly language? Is assembly still used? What are the examples of assembly language? You know what? Imma finally do it! Imma play Elden Ring!