Explained To Gen Z Why The Save Button Looks Like That

Explained To Gen Z Why The Save Button Looks Like That
legacy-technology-memes, floppy-disk-memes, save-icon-memes, generational-gap-memes, user-interface-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io

Oh the existential crisis of realizing kids think floppy disks are just weird 3D-printed save icons! That 3.5" diskette in the image—with its mighty 1.44MB capacity—was once cutting-edge tech that could store approximately 1/3000th of your average smartphone photo. Back then, we'd physically insert our data into computers like barbarians instead of summoning it from the mystical cloud. The real kicker? That little plastic square outlived its usefulness decades ago but somehow achieved digital immortality as an icon. It's like using a hieroglyph emoji—nobody's seen the real thing in ages, but we all know what it means!

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