Cursor F*ck Up My 4 Months Of Works

Cursor F*ck Up My 4 Months Of Works
version-control-memes, git-memes, backups-memes, data-loss-memes, cursor-memes |

Ah, the classic "I'll just wing it without version control" tragedy. Four months of work obliterated by a cursor mishap because someone thought Git was just a British insult.

This poor soul is basically asking "how do I lock the barn door?" after the horse has not only escaped but taken the entire barn with it. The irony of asking about backups after losing everything is the silent scream every tech lead hears in their nightmares.

Pro tip: If your "backup strategy" is crossing your fingers and whispering "please don't break" to your computer, you might want to reconsider your life choices. Or at least install Git.

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