Content GMU Fall 2022 - CS 211 - Exercise 3 This exercise is worth 5 of your total grade (instead of 3) Additionally, there is an optional task for 1 extra credit Due Date: Friday, December 2nd, 11:59pm Changelog Copy Select All Look Up Description The purpose of this assignment is to practice iterators and inner classes in Java and, optionally, graphical user interfaces too. The theme of this assignment is the detection of fake reviews on a popular website called RateMyTeacher which allows anyone to post anonymous ratings of any teacher they want without authenticating themselves. Your task is to write "smart" iterators that are able to traverse list of reviews by skipping any words or posts that are considered fake There are mainly two approaches in implementing an iterator in Java. One is using a separate class that implements the Iterator interface and the other one is implementing the Iterator interface as an anonymous inner class. You're going to practice both approaches by writing two different iterators. Additionally, you can optionally implement a GUI to make your application more user-friendly and get some extra credit. Instructions Honor Code: This assignment is individual work of each student, you're not allowed to collaborate in any form. Copying code from other sources (peers, websites, etc.) is a serious violation of the University's Honor Code. Your code will be examined for similarities with other sources. Validation: Make sure all method parameters are properly validated (e.g. String args can't be empty, etc.) Documentation: Comments in JavaDoc-style are required. You must comment each class, each method and each instanceclass variable you declare. You must also comment any piece of code that is not obvious what it does. Visibility: All fields should be made private. All methods provided in the specification are public. You may add any fields or methods you want as long as they are private. Packages: You may not import any classes except Scanner, File, ArrayList, Iterator