in ,

If it works, it works. But you can never change it again.

If it works, it works. But you can never change it again. | string-memes, function-memes, date-memes, IT-memes, rds-memes, ide-memes |
string-memes, function-memes, date-memes, IT-memes, rds-memes, ide-memes |

[text] if discard argso PRI Discards only the specified cards if specified cards are provided. Function also sets the hand postdiscarding. GETS THE CARDS KEYS FROM THEIR DISPLAY NAMES BECAUSE THE USER CANNOT SEE THE KEYSIDS. PR TR DS PR R TR keytuples deckLoaded1 nane 1 for i in deckLoaded DONT TOUCH THIS. validcardkeys 1 DONT TOUCH THIS. R LR DONT TOUCH THIS. tempcandidatekeys 1 DONT TOUCH THIS. for displayname cardkey in keytuples DONT TOUCH THIS. if usersubstring. lower in displayname.lower DONT TOUCH THIS. Rt I SR I B G R G R EN nondupekeys 1 DONT TOUCH THIS. for 1 in tempcandidatekeys DONT TOUCH THIS. if 4 in cardhand and not stri in validcardkeys DONT TOUCH THIS. nondupekeys.append1 DONT TOUCH THIS. P T A TR N validcardkeys.appendnondupekeys01 DONT TOUCH THIS. DONT TOUCH THIS. DONT TOUCH THIS.