K8s Make Your Dick Shrink

k8sMakeYourDickShrink | data-memes, IT-memes, spark-memes, kubernetes-memes, wpa-memes, k8s-memes, tables-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
data-memes, IT-memes, spark-memes, kubernetes-memes, wpa-memes, k8s-memes, tables-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io


Ffs It is fucking tough to keep up with these changing tools Mother fuckers come up with unpronounceable names. Fuck it. Apparantly plume and flume are two things that do what flink does poorly Snowpark is what snowflake came up with to do stuff like pyspark does, but nothing does that better than databricks. Which is a datalakehouse Apparantly dataware house and data lake now need to be married because someone now has data that big and complex And delta lake does some more fancy shit but with delta tables And delta here does not mean what you think it means Man Fuck this shit Kubernetese make your dick shrink ProdrammerHumor.io

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