
I will never use sepples

I will never use sepples | c++-memes, class-memes, object-memes, oop-memes |
c++-memes, class-memes, object-memes, oop-memes |


NO00000000!!!!! YOU CAN’T JUST DO OOP IN C!!! YOU HAVE TO USE C!!!! C DOESNT HAVE OBIECTS AND CLASS METHODS!!! typedef struct double x; double y; Point; Point Pointcreate (double x, double y) Point point (Point) malloc (size: sizeof (Point)); point-x x; point-y y; return point; void Pointmove (Point point, double dx, double dy) point-x dx; point-y dy; double Pointdistance (Point a, Point b) double dx b-x – a-x; double dy b-y – -y; return sart (x: dx d dy dy); void Pointdestroy (Point point) if (point) free (ptr: point);