Obsidian Cares About The Sanity Of Its Users

Obsidian Cares About The Sanity Of Its Users
vim-memes, obsidian-memes, text-editors-memes, developer-tools-memes, ui-warnings-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io

This is Obsidian's way of saying "Are you really sure you want to enter the Hotel California of text editors?" The Vim confirmation dialog is basically the digital equivalent of those warning signs before roller coasters that say "People with heart conditions should not ride." Obsidian knows once you enter Vim mode, there's a 90% chance you'll be frantically Googling "how to exit vim" in about 30 seconds. That red warning text might as well say "Abandon hope all ye who enter here" because nothing says user-friendly like an editor where the most searched command is how to quit the damn thing. It's the text editor equivalent of a relationship status: "It's complicated."