I Am Devloper iamdevloper shoutout to the absolute heroes out there still downvoting questions on Stack Overflow during coronavirus lockdown. Traduci il Tweet 12:51 24 mar 20 Twitter Web App 351 Retweet 3.259 Mi pace 17 Sander DeBoezelaere 24 mar In risposta a iamdevloper Closed: this topic is too vague, ambiguous and duplicate from one year ago by same user. twitter.comiamdevloperst... (r) I Am Devloper iamdevlo... 24 apr 19 ah, empty day ahead, what to do... fix issues in own life? nah, too hard downvote a 4 year old Stack Overflow question because it wasn't quite phrased correctly according to guidelines? game 9 2 17 96 or in