Thats a bit aggressive

Thats a bit aggressive | programmer-memes, code-memes, python-memes, program-memes, string-memes, function-memes, class-memes, IT-memes, documentation-memes, cs-memes |
programmer-memes, code-memes, python-memes, program-memes, string-memes, function-memes, class-memes, IT-memes, documentation-memes, cs-memes |


Reasons to Document your Code Documenting your functions (and classes) makes it much easier for other people to use them. Without documentation, other programmers will have to guess what your functions do, and how to call them. If guessing is too much work, they won't use your functions. If they have to waste time writing the same functions again, you'll get fired and your children will starve. COMPLETE PYTHON MASTERCLASS Docstrings

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