Supportive Community

supportiveCommunity | python-memes, engineer-memes, performance-memes, IT-memes, pip-memes, devops-memes |
python-memes, engineer-memes, performance-memes, IT-memes, pip-memes, devops-memes |


rdevops uNaiveRole2395 10h Company put me into a pip, what should I do? My employer put me in pip, a performance improvement plan (PIP), i heard this many times, but never have real experience with it. HR start to involve in this process. What should I do? Should I quit it now? How serious it is? I have no clue, can anyone give suggestions? 4 53 91 64 awesomeplenty 4h python -m pip install --upgrade pip Reply 146 S PersonBehindAScreen 1m System Engineer Finally some good fucking advice 4 4 8 View all comments

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