Content -past questionOne - new Questions( who says to Aragorn In Balin's tomb: "We should leave here, we cannot linger"?, Zonst questionTwo - new Questions(What's the English translation of the Elvish "Hannon Le?, 'Hello Friend', "The const questionthree - new Questions('what is Gimlf's final head count of the enemy he kills at Helm's Deep?, "Fort const questionfour - new Questions(which two of the Fellowship are last to cross the perilous broken stairs in Mor const questionFive - new Questions According to Frodo, what is Gandalf's official label in Hobbiton?, const questionSix - new Questions ('who proclains to be the wielder of the flame of Anor?, 'Gandalf', 'Elrond', 'Sa const questionSeven - new Questions('What city's archives does Gandalf use to research the history of the One Ring? const questionfight - new Questions(which hobbit says that he doesn't usually like foreign food?', 'Merry', 'Pippi const questionine - new Questions What wielder of the sword Narsil was killed by Sauron in an epic Second Age bat canst questionfen - new Questions ('Who calls Pippin a "Fool of a Took" for being noisy in Balin's tomb?, 'Frodo', const questionEleven - new Questionswhat are the children begging Gandalf to see as his cart rolls by in Hobbiton 22 23 24 25 26 3 27 1 28 29 30 const questionTwelve - new QuestionsWho tells Aragorn "You did what I could not, " which was resisting the Ring's const questionthirteen - new Questions( Who says before a charge: "Now for wrath, now for ruin and the red dawn"?", const questionfourteen - new Questions Who in the Fellowship carries the Horn of Gondor?. const questionFifteen - new Questions What weapon is Theoden wounded by at Helm's Deep? const questionSixteen - new Questions(); "Aragorn', 'Boronir const questionSeventeen new Questions(); , "A sword', 'An axe', A const questionEighteen - new Questions); const questionNineteen - new Questions(); const questionTwenty new Questions(); const questionTwentyOne new Questions(); const questionTwentyTwo new Questions(); const questionTwentyThree - new Questions(); const questionTwentyFour new Questions ('); const questionTwentyFive - new Questions( ); Lord of the Rings trivia for morning project const questionTwentysix new Questions( ); const questionwarne.