How to generate an actual RANDOM Number

How to generate an actual RANDOM Number | random-memes, machine-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, mac-memes, train-memes, ML-memes, comment-memes |
random-memes, machine-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, mac-memes, train-memes, ML-memes, comment-memes |


4 - Oniketojen 851 points 11 hours ago Guy before me wrote a script to save a solid 45 minutes of time and my old boss hated it and refuses to let us use it. Unfortunately everything was time stamped so if it was 15 tasks checked off done in 1 or 2 seconds youd know. I dont know why my company is so against automation in some portions of the job. Derma ink source embec save save-res parent report give award rep nice child comments 4 I- SaintDiam 1116 points 11 hours ago Rewrite the script and put in random time delays between tasks. permalink source embed save save-RES parent report give award reply hide child comments -machstem 499 points 11 hours ago wait 360 permalink source embed save save RES parent report give award reply hide child comments - Crump3txxix 390 points 11 hours ago Add a random in there so the times arent exactly on the same interval Dermalink source embed save save-res parent report give award reov hide chid comments 4 - SaintDiam 579 points 10 hours ago Fetch the current coordinates of ursa minor in the night sky, then subtract how late the trains in London are running. Use that for the random number seed. Then, link the script to the coffee machine, and have it make you a cup of coffee at random. Figure out how long it takes you to walk to the coffee machine and back, and add that to the time randomly. Script will notify you when coffee is ready. This will hide your lack of involvement by keeping your consistently not doing things while not at your desk. While you're hooked into the coffee machine, fetch the number of cups of coffee produced in the last 24 hours. Add that times 10 to 100, depending on employees that get coffee, in milliseconds to each task's time to submit dermaink source embed save save-res parent report give award replied hide chid comments

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