Content "Don't worry I write plenty of comments" The comments: case 103: The victor cavorts to the puppet's tune. Though assured of its independence, know that there is no decision made by this fool that does not ultimately serve the whims of its master. So then does it leap repetitively. phasetimer ; time cannot be halted by the whims of man if (phasetimer 1) a tremendous shadow blots the sky, and you expect it to be silent? SE.playsfx("nin-bigjump"); sprite. frame 8; the fool spread-eagled, escaping gravity's reach? var center ( 2) though infinitely imprecise, it is still necessary var landingPosition center: a being cannot stand without a shadow if (x center 40) I are you here? if x center - 40) are you there? the bifurcate logic, split for the sake of most minuscule performance, guarantees your appearance upon the center stage so thus must we pay fealty to orientation landingPosition (player x) ? 90 : -120; the triplicate hydra kills with a single head, but which? the great triumph, that chronoscronus set aside in practice, is preparation in advance thus we need not examine the sides, for if the center stage is not filled the hydra's golden head shall strike as always thus did hercules bury it under the stone where it hisses to this day