Content Sunspot Project Dr. I lost, misplaced, or possibly ate my sunspot packet for breakfast one morning before I had coffee, and I decided that instead of going through the archive and re-drawing all of the little circles I should put my computer science degree to use and create a script to automatically collect the spaceweather photos and detect sunspots from them. So I did that instead of doing what you asked. However, here are the reasons I think you should give me a good grade on this project: 1. It took me at least 10 times longer than actually just going back and rewriting my data 2. I had to compile a computer vision library from source and it sucked 3. The program works super well and it's cool and you can have it if you want 4. It is capable of recording sunspots way more precisely than by hand so I'm going to bombastically submit that this is the most accurate sunspot project you have ever and possibly will ever receive, unless someone else is both as irresponsible and selectively lazy as I am 5. I won't be able to live with myself and my decisions if you don't 6. Please Thanks, and please enjoy this shockingly accurate and over-engineered project