
T-Mobile Austria follows only the best practices

T-Mobile Austria follows only the best practices | password-memes, security-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes |
password-memes, security-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes |

[text] TMobile Austria v tmobileat W odpowiedzi do cpellegrino PWTooStrong i Telekomhilft Hello Claudia The customer service agents see the first four characters of your password. We store the whole password because you need it for the login for mein.t Aandrea Eric Komi22 6 kwi Well what if your infrastructure gets breached and everyones password is published in plaintext to the whole wide world Q2 ns3 QO 11ys. TMobile Austria tmobileat 6 kwi Korni22 What if this doesnt happen because our security is amazingly good AKathe Q326 1439 Q529 8 Servce Kontakt Hife T.. NaE siness tmobileay x Qseuch What i this dossn happen because our securty is amazingly good owes 0