Seriously, Who Wrote This Code.

Seriously, Who Wrote This Code.
computer-science-memes, programming-evolution-memes, code-quality-memes, student-life-memes, legacy-code-memes |

Oh my gosh, this is the perfect representation of the CS student evolution! 😂 First-year you is all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, thinking "I'm totally gonna build the next Facebook!" Then final-year you is just staring at your own code from freshman year like "WHO WROTE THIS MONSTROSITY?!" The transformation from "I'm you" to "You're weak" is basically what happens when you finally learn about clean code, design patterns, and efficiency! We've all been there - looking back at our early spaghetti code with absolute horror while simultaneously remembering how proud we were of that 200-line function with zero comments. The circle of programming life!