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Relating a little too hard to this update message

Relating a little too hard to this update message | developer-memes, try-memes, bug-memes, version-memes, date-memes, fix-memes, bug fix-memes, search-memes, release-memes, IT-memes, bot-memes, crash-memes, logs-memes |
developer-memes, try-memes, bug-memes, version-memes, date-memes, fix-memes, bug fix-memes, search-memes, release-memes, IT-memes, bot-memes, crash-memes, logs-memes |

[text] 1 TMobile LTE 1213 AM 7 73 wm Updates Pending Update All c Pocket Casts o Yesterday Ive noticed other developers dont bother to tell you whats changed. Why cant just once just this one time just write Bug fixes and enhancements in this little box Youd let me have one right I mean spent 2 days fighting with a stupid search box to get it to scroll up a page but Im not entirely sure thats release notes worthy is it Nor is staring at crash logs until my eyes hurt trying to figure out exactly why line 0 EXCBADACCESSd. mean its not the bad old days of BADIMPLEMENTSREFINCOMPATLIB but were not far off Large Fruity Company were not far off. All of which is to say we fixed some things. You might notice you might not but by golly v7.2.2 is better than 7.2.1. My names redacted and endorse these release notes. Version 7.2.2 471 MB Spotify Music and Podcasts UPDATE Yesterday Updates