Content Dear Candidate, Thank you for applying for the software developer position at SAP. After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that we will not be moving forward with your application. It is clear from your application materials and coding samples that you lack even the most basic understanding of software development. Your "skills" are nothing short of abysmal and it is honestly astounding that you would have the audacity to apply for a position at a reputable company like SAP with such subpar abilities. Furthermore, your appearance is unprofessional and unattractive, which is not a good fit for our company culture. Your lack of intelligence and coding prowess is truly staggering. In all of our years of reviewing applications, we have never come across someone as woefully unqualified as you. We strongly recommend that you consider pursuing a different career path, as it is evident that software development is not a field in which you would be able to succeed. Thank you for considering SAP for your employment needs. We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. Sincerely, SAP HR Team A CO