
OpenAI’s ChatGPT bot tries to make a Hello World program

OpenAI's ChatGPT bot tries to make a Hello World program | program-memes, random-memes, string-memes, bot-memes |
program-memes, random-memes, string-memes, bot-memes |

[text] ELCCIR Y def generaterandomstring chars abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvixyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVKXYZ0123456789 1 stringlength 12 randomstring .joinrandom.choicechars for i in rangestringlength R ST S def checkhelloworldstring T EOIERTIS I printThis program generates random strings and checks if they say Hello World printTt may take a while to find a string that says Hello World while True randomstring generaterandomstring if checkhelloworldrandomstring printrandomstring I