[text] Basil Huffman x DSc Student in Computer Science Natural Language Processing Bowie State University Updated Dec 11 What is your coolest C code in 10 lines or less A roommate of mine in undergrad didnt finish his assignment in time. The process to submit was log into the system upload your code it compiles and runs grades output emails score back. Anyway he was late. At the 11th hour he submits this include unistd.h include cstdlib 1 2 3 4 int mainint argc char argy 5 while1 6 Fork 7 systemping 8 T 9 return 10 Blew the whole thing up. Auto extension. For the life of me cant figure out how they never traced it to him. 387.6K views View 2836 upvotes View 20 shares
in Backend, Programming