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iMadeANewProgrammingLanguage | programming-memes, program-memes, cli-memes, ecli-memes, language-memes |
programming-memes, program-memes, cli-memes, ecli-memes, language-memes |


include stdio.h define BEGIN define END define IF if define THen )( define PRINT (…) fprintf (stdout, VAARGS. define MAIN int main (int arg, char argv) define ELSE Jelsel define ELSEIF Jelse if ( define IS define or I define AND define NOT! define VOID void define CHAR char define int int define FLOAT double define FOR for ( define Do ( define As define RANGE (x) int 1 0;1 Xi1 define RET return define INCREMENT (x) x define DECREMENT (x) X- MAIN BEGIN INT a AS 3; INT b AS 10; IF a IS 2 OR b IS 10 THEN prInT ("a is 2 or b is 10n"); ELSEIF A IS 4 AND b IS 2 THEN PRINT ("a is 4 and b is 2n"); ELSE PRINT ("none if the conditions are truen") END FOR RANGE (50) DO INT C AS 0; INCREMENT (c) ; END RET 0; END