
I dont even know how to make a title for this

I dont even know how to make a title for this | server-memes, reddit-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, comment-memes |
server-memes, reddit-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, comment-memes |


8 4G ..ll 53 19:32 rAskReddit uProredditOr 11h What is the Stupidest solution to a problem that actually worked? Advice 4 72 146 Share BEST COMMENTS mOle 11h I think my favourite IT story (not mine) is the server that needed to be rebooted whenever it froze completely. The mcguyver solution? Get an old pc with a CD drive, and every time it loses connection to the server it ejects the CD tray, which has a poking stick attached, which hits the reset button. The line between genius and insanity was definitely blurry there. Reply 7 more replies 137 S Add a comment