
DJ++ | programmer-memes, design-memes, ux-memes, program-memes, google-memes, list-memes, reddit-memes, comment-memes |
programmer-memes, design-memes, ux-memes, program-memes, google-memes, list-memes, reddit-memes, comment-memes |


12:54 1 rMadeMeSmile uredditboy544 1h I am a programmer and have a personal spotify mix for my daily work. Ijust noticed over 36k other programmers joined me listening to the music i picked S Helping Others I 4 vote sh 11, Share Award u courseramasteradv Promoted VVVYIv Google UX Design. Launch your career in UX Design. Get job-ready and earn a credential from Google-no relevant experience needed. Start learning today at onl... coursera.orgprofessional-certificatesgoogle-ux-d. Sign Up b BEST COMMENTS V Tooth2015 1h You can call yourself DJ . . " reply 6 Add a comment

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