
Blizzard developers talking about remastering Starcraft and revisiting a 20 year old source code, when suddenly…

Blizzard developers talking about remastering Starcraft and revisiting a 20 year old source code, when suddenly... | developer-memes, code-memes, loops-memes, oop-memes, source code-memes, comment-memes, udp-memes |
developer-memes, code-memes, loops-memes, oop-memes, source code-memes, comment-memes, udp-memes |

[text] Posted by StarCraft TR A include UNITS.HX tinclude utypeguarded.h Pl e L b bt A L L L define ALLOWCIRCLEMOVEDELAY 1068 dont change this without talking to frank or mike e LR L L unit udpate delays Y R L R LA define APPROACHDELAY ISCCID game loops between ApproachMoveTarget define SPREADDELAY 10SECONDS define SPREADGROUPS optimization delay groups define CLOAKSPREADGROUPS 2SECONDS .UtIl… VAL L L L L MAPFILENAME 32 OARFIII VN 4 for the .spc 3 5l scm and in the comments that they left. replay fiie extensioi L B