Programmers: Why can't you just be normal? RegEx: VI(2((a-zA-ZO-91-1.1.a-zA-ZK(2,4) (:0-9)?V? (a-zA-ZO-91-1. 1?1, VAN
HTTP 418: I'm a teapot
The server identifies as a teapot now and is on a tea break, brb
HTTP 418: I'm a teapot
The server identifies as a teapot now and is on a tea break, brb
Programmers: Why can't you just be normal? RegEx: VI(2((a-zA-ZO-91-1.1.a-zA-ZK(2,4) (:0-9)?V? (a-zA-ZO-91-1. 1?1, VAN