Free work Memes

Posts tagged with Free work

I Cant Take It Any More

I Cant Take It Any More
Ah, the classic "I know a programmer" tax in action! Nothing says friendship like asking for a free app at 8 AM and expecting you to both design AND build it. The smooth "That's where you come in!" is basically code for "I have absolutely no idea how this works but I'm sure you can whip it up by lunchtime." This is the digital equivalent of asking a doctor friend to check out your weird rash at a dinner party. Bonus points for the early morning ambush when your defenses are down and you haven't had enough coffee to calculate the 300+ hours of unpaid labor they're casually requesting.

Get Free Labor

Get Free Labor
Ah, the classic "job interview disguised as a coding test" trap. Two full days of implementing multiple bullet firing, collision optimization, weapon modes, particle effects, high score tables, and UFOs... all for the privilege of maybe getting hired. Translation: "Please build our entire game for free while we watch and decide if we like you enough to actually pay you someday." Next time just ask candidates to fix your production bugs while they're at it. Nothing says "we value your expertise" like extracting 16 hours of unpaid labor before the first handshake.

Thank You But Keep Your Mouth Shut

Thank You But Keep Your Mouth Shut
Every developer's internal reaction when a non-technical friend starts with "I've got an app idea." The threatening pose perfectly captures that mix of dread and irritation we feel when someone's about to pitch their "revolutionary" app that's basically "Uber but for hamsters" or "Facebook but people are nice." What they don't realize is they're the 500th person to think they're the first to come up with it, and no, we don't want to build it for free in exchange for "exposure" or a mythical 2% equity that'll totally make us rich someday.