Date format Memes

Posts tagged with Date format

The Ultimate Date Format

The Ultimate Date Format
Forget MM/DD/YYYY vs DD/MM/YYYY debates! Some evil frontend developer decided the best date format is "YYYY/DM/DM" and expects users to calculate their own birthday. It's like telling someone "your birthday is in 1990, now solve for x where x equals the day you were born divided by the month, twice." This is what happens when you let the same person who named variables like temp1 , temp2 , and finalTempIPromise design your forms.

Unix Time Stamp Memes Be Like

Unix Time Stamp Memes Be Like
This meme hits the sweet spot of programmer inside jokes. The Unix timestamp 1720619723 converts to July 10, 2024, 4:15:23 PM GMT. Only true backend nerds would get the joke without converting it first! It's like the frog is saying "Hey fellow programmers, check the current time" but in the most unnecessarily complex way possible. Classic programmer flex - using epoch time instead of just saying the date like a normal human being. The chubby frog's deadpan expression perfectly captures how programmers drop these technical references and expect everyone to understand.

The Date Format Holy War

The Date Format Holy War
The eternal date format war rages on! While most of the world sensibly uses the pyramid of DD/MM/YY (small to big), and some Asian countries flip it upside-down (YY/MM/DD), the USA just... does whatever the hell it wants with MM/DD/YY. It's like they designed their date format the same way they designed their healthcare system – maximum confusion for everyone involved. The beautiful irony is that only the YY/MM/DD format is actually ISO-8601 compliant and makes perfect sense for sorting. Meanwhile, programmers everywhere silently weep when handling date inputs from international users. Nothing says "fun weekend project" like writing regex to figure out if 03/04/05 means March 4th, 2005 or April 3rd, 2005 or... wait... 1905?

Dating A Programmer

Dating A Programmer
Ah, the classic programmer date format joke. When normal humans talk about perfect dates, they're thinking candlelit dinners or beach walks. But our code-addicted friend here? His brain immediately jumps to ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD), the only date format that makes any logical sense in a world of chaotic MM/DD/YY vs DD/MM/YY debates. After 20 years of parsing date strings, you develop a special kind of trauma. I've literally broken up with databases over their date handling. And don't get me started on JavaScript's Date object... that relationship was toxic from day one.

Found The Perfect Date

Found The Perfect Date
Ah, the classic programmer date format dilemma! While most people think of candlelit dinners or romantic walks, our hero goes straight for the DD/MM/YYYY specification. Because nothing says "I'm a developer" like having strong opinions about date formats. This is peak programmer humor - the kind where we completely miss social cues because we're too busy thinking about data standardization. ISO 8601 supporters are probably fuming right now. "YYYY-MM-DD is clearly superior for sorting!" they scream into their mechanical keyboards. At least he didn't say Unix timestamp. That would've been a second date dealbreaker for sure.