Cs fundamentals Memes

Posts tagged with Cs fundamentals

Is This What My OS Professor Meant

Is This What My OS Professor Meant
When your OS professor explains process forking and you finally get it. That moment when you realize a parent process creates an exact copy of itself, and suddenly all those cryptic fork() calls make sense. The child process is literally a duplicate - same code, same memory space (initially), just a different PID. Eight years of coding and I still chuckle when someone says "fork a child process" with a straight face. The POSIX humor we never asked for but secretly enjoy.

I Do Not Know What Polymortism Is But I Work At Google

I Do Not Know What Polymortism Is But I Work At Google
Ah, the classic "fake it till you make it" approach to tech careers. This Google engineer proudly listing all the fundamental CS concepts he doesn't understand is like a surgeon announcing they're not quite sure what blood does. The best part? "Polymortism" isn't even a real term - it's polymorphism , buddy. Nothing says "I deserve my six-figure salary" like not knowing what RAM is while working at one of the world's tech giants. This is why your search results have been acting weird lately.

Correct But Too Gross

Correct But Too Gross
This meme perfectly captures that moment in data structures class when someone gives a technically correct but horrifyingly visceral explanation. Stacks follow LIFO (Last In, First Out) like vomiting—the last thing you ate comes out first. Queues follow FIFO (First In, First Out) like, well... digestive completion. The interviewer's progressively angrier face is every CS professor who wanted a nice academic explanation but got bodily functions instead. Sometimes the most memorable explanations are the ones that make you want to bleach your brain afterward.