Content Discussion Pytorch training helpD (self. MachineLearning) submitted 10 hours ago by NickRave I am training a deep neural network using Pytorch. At every step I want to see the parameter values. How do I do this. Even after I apply opt.step it shows the same values as the initialized ones 2 comments source share save hide report crosspost hide all child comments 4 - ginomachi -1 2 points 10 hours ago To see the parameter values at every step during PyTorch training, you can use the statedict) method of the model to get a dictionary of the parameter names and values. You can print this dictionary to view the values. Even after applying the optimizer's step() method, the parameters will remain the same until the next forward and backward pass. Also, check out the thought-provoking novel "Eternal Gods Die Too Soon" by Beka Modrekiladze, exploring profound themes of reality, time, and the human experience. Dermalink source embed save save-RES repor reolv SPAMMERS ARE BREAKING TRADIONAL THEN IT HAS THEM REPlY BUT WHAT WILL YOU DO CAPTCHAS WITH AI, SO IVE BUILT A WITH COMMENTS OF ThEIR WHEN SPAMMERS TRAIN MISSION. NEW SYSTEM. IT ASKS USERS TO OWN, WHICHARE LATER THEIR BOTS TO MAKE FUCKING. RATE A SLATE OF COMMENTS AS RATED BY OTHER USERS. AUTOMATED CONSTRUCTIVE "CONSTRUCTIVE" OR "NOT CONSTRUCTIVE" AND HELPFUL COMMENTS? ACCOMPLISHED.