Safari File Edit VIEw Histor Bookmarks window Help D .. Database Client Weijan Chen I 1,05,974 installs (46) Free install Trouble Installing? L Overview Version History Q A Rating Review D Dovchik I 25-05-2022 Nice too betore an uneypected pavwall. Nothing wrong with paying for an extension, but not when it's free and at one moment it becomes paywalled Weijan Chen 26-05-2022 The death of many open source projects is that there are too many people like you who think the authors should serve you unconditionally! 25-05-2022 Thank for your service when it was free. Since it's no longer free, I uninstalled. No one forced vou to develon for tree at the first lace. You shouldn't use a tree extension's renutation to promote vour naid one. You .Just Want To Make Money. I guess you can do whatever you want with it, good luck with your paid tier plan, take one star as a goodbye gift. Weijan Chen 25-05-2022 I have made it clear in the readme that this extension needs to be paid, I don't welcome selfish people like you, you better get out of the way. WY Winson Yeap 23-05-2022 Started off as a great tool (I'd even give it 5 stars), but now the developer has turned greedy and limited almost all bare functionalities to the paid, premium version only. Previously the developer claims that he charged premium due to people complaining about the functionalities, but now it's clear that he's doing It only for the money and greed. Strongly discourage anyone to consider using this tool as you never know when the developer would start limiting any previously available functionalities. I'd rather stick to other onen source tools like cheaver Weijan Chen Pa You really should uninstall it, you just want someone to work for you forever for free, fuck off. However you didn't give 5 points, only when this extension doesn't meet your liking, you give the author a piece of shit. 30