My college programming teacher isn't the brightest

My college programming teacher isn't the brightest | programming-memes, code-memes, program-memes, test-memes, random-memes, express-memes, console-memes |
programming-memes, code-memes, program-memes, test-memes, random-memes, express-memes, console-memes |


02 Question 1 A statistician would like to simulate rolling a single die until she has rolled the die a total of 100 times, or she rolls a six a total of 25 times, whichever comes first. Which boolean expression should she use for the missing code to accomplish this? var rolls 0; var sixes 0; while ( missing code ) var nextRoll randomNumber (1, 6); if (nextRoll 6) gixes sixes 1; ) rollg rollg 1; console.log (rolle); console.log (sixes); a. rolls 100 sixes 25 b. rolls sixes sixes 25 c. rolls 100 sixes 25 d. rolls 0 66 sixes 25 Xe. rolls 100 a sixes 25

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