6E 31, pue 'nor jo ino pioM 48 1 g 109-uoja Aiday (ILi (Ji)i(JJEJ)i( i)Li(LLJJLJ)LJ(LLJi) i i(() i i i( Ji)LiLiL(LLJii)LLL i (LLJIL LLJi)Li(LLJii) (Jii)i() ( ii)))8oT ' aTosUOs , e ueueq,, zuld siado anal Moy s! s!41 ue yeu
HTTP 418: I'm a teapot
The server identifies as a teapot now and is on a tea break, brb
HTTP 418: I'm a teapot
The server identifies as a teapot now and is on a tea break, brb
6E 31, pue 'nor jo ino pioM 48 1 g 109-uoja Aiday (ILi (Ji)i(JJEJ)i( i)Li(LLJJLJ)LJ(LLJi) i i(() i i i( Ji)LiLiL(LLJii)LLL i (LLJIL LLJi)Li(LLJii) (Jii)i() ( ii)))8oT ' aTosUOs , e ueueq,, zuld siado anal Moy s! s!41 ue yeu