Content Question: How to round 2 decimal. places in JavaScrint mana memotion ormanipulation ot any kind for performance reasons. but there nk it should de claritied here that the goal ot these efforts is not to completely eliminate the inherent rounding errors caused by the floating point data type, as that will never be Person A cossible vathout switching to a cata inp that is acmall storing the value as a base cecimal. The goal realy shoud be to pus: PerSOM B ' the edge as possible. so that you oroducino the buo. The moment your value hits the absolute edge, where simply invoking the value would cause us to produce the bug, either before or after you've manipulated it. there's nothing more you could do to alleviate that or eyample. r vou instantiate the value 49 g93939339993s, us wall immed ate y round it to if the value is a text tvne' 0.015. Therefore if you passed that value to any of these functions, you are actually passing 0.015. Aithal ooint you coulont even convert to swine they and then manloulate , the value would nave be instantiated as a string from the start for that to work. The goal, and only reasonable parseFloat 123.456 ).toFixed 2): edge where either the starting value, or resulting value would produce the bug simply by being If the value is a number: always store the value as a string and use a combination of string manipulation and integer basec var numb 123.23454; numb numb. toFixed 2: Arer running torough various rerations of all the poseik o wave so achieve true acrurate decimal precision. It can be easily polyfilled as shown here: https:developer.mozilla.orgen- remaining lE users then again maybe we should stop doing that). a simple dron in solition that pravices armurare reginal rrrrira rrors and coiling US. U UPDAS' As sergey noted in the comments. there is a limitation to this or any method that's worth pointing out. In the case of numbers like 0.014999999999999898, you will still toating hint value ciorace here is no math or oiner solution that can he annlier to account sot that, as the value itself is immediately evaluated as 0.015. You can confirm this by simoly invoking that value ov selt in the console. Due to this imitation. it would not even be poss ole to use strinc manipulation to reduce this value, as its string representation is simply "0.015". Any solution to consideration that would need to be taken into account on a case by case basis to determine the 08.10.2070 PDATE Per Amrs comment top coil and toor functions will produce undesired More This issue also reypale that while the ceil and door functions stil roguire the annication o the Number EPSILON adiusiment. they do oroduce undesirable results when apolied to a value for the output (p). For examole, ceil 17.1, 5) should retum 17.1 in relation to exoected "ceil" function penavior when apoleo to whole numbers in mathematics, vere a decima olaces atte "'" are assumed to be 0. To correct for this, I've added an additional function check to identify if the if(Number. isInteger undefined) return syptor vasut ass ThiS GROunds sunctioniness