OOP WENT TOO FAR CODE IS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE FACTORIES YEARS OF OBJECT CLASS DIAGRAMMING yet NO REAL-WORLD IMPROVEMENTS FOUND for COMPLEX SYSTEMS Want collections of named properties? We had a tool for that: It was called a STRUCT "Yes, please marshall the response into a Data TransferObject and create getters and setters for every property" - Statements dreamed by the utterly Deranged "Hey, I'd like to know where this value comes from. Sure, JUST FIND THE GETTER OF THE Constants CLASS WHICH IS ACTUALLY INHERITED FROM BaseConstants WHICH IS INJECTED FROM.. AbstractJavaFinalSerializedFactory????? public enum PizzaStatus ( public boolean sOrderedO s READY (2) public boolean isReady0) ( enum methods????? ?????????????? Enterprise software developers have played us for absolute fools