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You programmers are evil.

You programmers are evil. | programmer-memes, computer-memes, computer science-memes, computing-memes, program-memes, rds-memes, ide-memes |
programmer-memes, computer-memes, computer science-memes, computing-memes, program-memes, rds-memes, ide-memes |


STOP DOING COMPUTER SCIENCE Computers are made of silicon, which is made of sand. SAND CAN’T THINK Computers DON’T calculate anything, it’s a box full of demons You want to make something? Use your brain, NOT THIS: THIS is what hides behind modern computing lies, what truly controls our computers. 0. 0R Daemon (computing) Nonsense Diagrams "Circuit boards" All jobs to do with computers you may see are fake, they’re fooling us Real people believe THIS CAN THINK —- in multi askina commuter opera ina sucieme a chemon dimen or deim Systems often start daemons at boot time that will respond to network reque: The ones from beyond with ten thousand eyes THEY HAVE PLAYED US FOR ABSOLUTE FOOLS