
Spotted a programmer in the wild

Spotted a programmer in the wild | programmer-memes, code-memes, program-memes, c++-memes, reddit-memes, ide-memes, comment-memes, rust-memes |
programmer-memes, code-memes, program-memes, c++-memes, reddit-memes, ide-memes, comment-memes, rust-memes |

[text] rAskReddit Posted by ulilBeartrap 9h Earths government decided to cut the population by half. Everyone has 30 seconds to justify why he or she deserves to live. What would you say R 1 13.2k 4.4k Share SINGLE COMMENT THREAD VIEW ALL rooddood69 Sh can code in c Reply 1.9k HeWhoCouldBeNamed 8h Theyre only keeping the hip kids working in Rust and such. 639 Playos 7h Then do really want to live on this world 345