Pick Your Poison: Waterfall Or Agile

Pick Your Poison: Waterfall Or Agile
agile-memes, waterfall-memes, project-management-memes, scrum-memes, sprints-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io

HR: "Do you work in Agile?"

Developers everywhere: *silent screaming*

The truth hits harder than a failed production deployment at 4:59 PM on Friday. Whether you choose Waterfall (one big sequential pile of 💩) or Agile (the same pile, just broken into multiple sprints of 💩), you're still dealing with... well, you know.

The only real difference? In Agile, you get to experience the disappointment in two-week increments instead of all at once. It's like choosing between getting punched once really hard or getting slapped repeatedly for eternity. Such innovation. Much methodology.

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