[text] Iwant to sort a list alphabetically while also retaining the number ordering 1 2 10. How would I do this in Python You shouldnt use Python for this. Okay what would you suggest use instead Thats a stupid question. managed to solve this see the image.png for how but ran into another issue. Im reading files from a folder. did find out how to make sure the file exist like below from pathiib import Path file Pathpathtoffile iffile.sfileQ File exists But how do make sure the files are not corrupted This question has already been asked. That duplicate question wasnt really related to this problem and it wasnt even in Python. In the end decided to just check for the corrupted files manually. New problem want to add timestamps current time to the output files but I cant get it to work consistently if some users are in different timezones. Is there someway to unify the output so timezone has no effect on the result You should never do that. Thats just stupid. 0d 0d 0d 0d
in Backend, Python, StackOverflow