Thx for the advice

Thx for the advice | code-memes, array-memes, dictionary-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, space-memes, interview-memes |
code-memes, array-memes, dictionary-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, space-memes, interview-memes |


rPython Posted by uGreyRhinos 6h Guys do not name your variable of type dictionary as myDictmydict during your whiteboard interviews! Meta Maybe I am the only idiot who has done something like this but I just wanted to share my embracing interview experience. Let's cut it to the chase, so I had this video interview where I was given a question and a shared editor. I decided to use a dictionary for my solution (one of my favorite ds) and named the variable as myDict. While I was explaining my logic, I made sure I was emphasizing the letter 't' whenever I pronounced myDict (so that it doesn't sound like mydick). Anyway, while I was typing the solution and explaining, obviously, my brain started concentrating on the code and I wasn't paying much attention to what I was saying. Apparently, my pronunciation started sounding like 'my dick'. On top of that, I was using that dick so much to the point that interviewer started laughing. Imagine when you are explaining the space complexity and you say something along the lines 'the size of myDict is proportional to the size of input array. Anyone else has done something embracing like this? 584 - 46 Share Award