rcl Crypto – Intelli IDEA Refactor Build Run Tools VCS Window Help Crypto v X It took me 3 days of constant excruciatingly painful, hard work to complete this seemingly easy program. The effort almost killed me. When the program finally vorked I cried like a baby. If vou find a bug in the program please don’t contact me. However, if you do decide to contact me, bring a length of rope with you. Thanks String text input.nextLine (); System. out.print ("nEnter the amount by which you want the alphabet to be shifted-"); int shift input.nextInt () ; System.out.print ("nEnter the size of one encrypted chunk-"); int chunkSize input.nextInt (); System. out.printin ("’nThe encrypted text is-"); System. out.printin (encrypt (text, shift, chunkSize)); public static String normalize (String x) ( String y: . 11. 11 . int num 0; chart converted new char (500; for (int 1 0; i x.length (); i) ( if (int) x.charAt (i)) 65 ((int) x.charAt (1)) 90) (((int) xicharAt (i)) 97 ((int) x. charAt (i)) 122)) convertednuml x.charAt (i); TA117 LIE 2018-9-17 09:52 For lint 0;