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My boss claims he’s never been rickroll’d. He’s about to test this script for me.

My boss claims he's never been rickroll'd. He's about to test this script for me. | program-memes, test-memes, data-memes, http-memes, cli-memes, youtube-memes |
program-memes, test-memes, data-memes, http-memes, cli-memes, youtube-memes |


14 15 16 copy files out to C:ProgramDatal. . . pall packagenare? xcpy STGZFILES.TGZ "SPACKAGEDIRS" R Y xcopy manifest.dat "PACKAGEDIRS" R Y 17 18 19 20 delete existing profile.dat and write a new one if exist "SPALDIRS profile.dat" del "SPALDIRSprofile.dat" F Q ECHO SPACKAGENAMES "SPALDIRSprofile.dat" 21 22 23 24 :: restart Service ECHO Please ensure that your device is attached. pause 25 26 27 net stop clientsve net start clientsve 28 29 30 SET PALDIR SET PACKAGEDIR 31 32 trick roll 33 start